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The Committee for Public Information (TJNK) is an expert body attached to the Ministry of Education and Culture. It follows progress in research, arts and technology and the development of knowledge in Finland and abroad.

Taking Small Steps Toward Equality

Shadia Rask received the 2024 State Award for Public Information for her contribution to current discussions on equality and equity, inequality and racism. 


Taking Small Steps Toward Equality


Shadia Rask received the 2024 State Award for Public Information for her contribution to current discussions on equality and equity, inequality and racism. 

The Journalist's Constellation Map


Oskari Onninen lets his story ideas simmer for a long time. He gathers information and waits for the right moment to write. His work earned him the Finnish State Award for Public Information in 2024.



TJNK:n Tietokirjakahvilat on tarkoitettu kaikille, jotka työskentelevät tietokirjojen ja muun yleistajuisen tiedonjulkistamisen parissa. Aiempien tilaisuuksien aiheina ovat olleet esimerkiksi tietokirjallisuuden rahoitus sekä eettiset käytännöt. 

Science education recommendations

Scientific literacy changes the world. Science education recommendations (Committee for Public Information and Federation of Finnish Learned Societies 2021).

Science communication recommendations

Bold communication, responsible influence. Science communication recommendations (Committee for Public Information in Finland 2018) stresses that science communication be integrated into the execution of professional research.